Thirty-five years ago, the city of New Libertis was born from an explosive boom of technological marvels. In this new age, industrialist Hieronymus Frazer seeks to secure his legacy and usher in a grand ascension for humanity's elite. To that end, anything and everything may be sacrificed for his greater vision. The fate of the city is in your hands!

Diesel Legacy is a hand-drawn 2v2 fighting game - four players on two teams. Each beautiful stage features three lanes to freely move between, and even when a player is defeated their fight isn't over! Work together to extend combos, parry attacks from beyond the grave, channel your essence to assist your teammate, and secure the double knockout!
My responsabilities as studio director and development manager were:
- Planning project scopes and deadlines
Looking after the project budget
Resolving complex issues during project development, such as animation, scope changes and internal communication
Manage the entire development team to meet the proposed milestones.

The game is currently in development, scheduled for release on PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox in December 2024.

Developed by: Maximum Entertainment, 2024.
Platform: PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series.
Tech environment: Abare Engine, Git, Favro.
Official website:
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