Doti-Doti no Gaea is an arcade playable theory where the player helps Gaea to send residues to be recycled, but the exaggerated consumption and wrongly disposal may result in a uncontrollable garbage situation, increasing the difficulty of the game. The player must solve this imminent imbalance to transform society and save Gaea’s life.

My responsabilities as a lead game designer were:
- Developing the game concept to align with the themes of the the REVERTA exhibition;
- Designing core mechanics, systems and additional content to communicate the game concept;
- Prototyping the game on Game Maker Studio;
- Making the levels on Unity.

Developed by: Loud Noises, 2015.
Platform: Android.
Tech Environment: Unity, Git, Photoshop, Adobe Animate, Game Maker Studio.
The name Doti-Doti no Gaea is a mix of “trash” (in Nigerian pidgin) with the name of the protagonist, a hipster personification of planet Earth. Created as a playable theory, this game represents a system based in production, consumption and recycling that needs to be kept in balance, otherwise nature will be destroyed.

Doti Doti no Gaea was featured on REVERTA and was finalist at BIG Festival 2016 on the Best Environmental Game category.
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