Exploradores do Desconhecido was a series of escape rooms, where the player have to investigate the Sathiri Temple archaelogical site, in order to uncover what happened to the archaelogists, what's the history of the mysterious goddess Sathiri and escape her curse before it is too late!

My responsabilities as lead game designer and producer were:
- Designing core mechanics and systems for the games;
- Prototyping and testing the games;
- Managing the art team to develop the 2D and 3D pieces necessary for the puzzles;
- Programming the apps necessary for the puzzles.

Developed by: Loud Noises, Liliane Fonseca and 3DBureau, 2018.
Platform: Physical escape rooms
Tech environment: Game Maker Studio 2, 3D printing, Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw.
The series comprises of 5 escape rooms:
- O Ídolo das Sombras
- Cura Contra o Tempo
- As Deusas Gêmeas
- Perdidos no Inferno Verde
- O Templo de Sathiri

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