GAEMS: Last Day of Vacation is an 2D sandbox RPG and an anthology of minigames. The player assumes the role of a child living in a little Brazilian town on their last day of vacation. 

He wakes up and can freely explore Vila Pindaiba, talk to and help their weird inhabitants and play one of the 26 side activities and mini games present in the city.

 It is set in the 1990's, when videogames were still played at arcade stores. The goal is to get the maximum out of the day, and since it is the very last day, there is the urgency to do absolutely everything, even helping the grandmother at the store to get extra dimes to spend buying candies or playing games. Each mini-game has a different core, going from memory games to visual novels. The player can also collect cards, different sets of food and rewards for doing some tasks for the people in town.
My responsabilities as lead game designer were:
- Developing the game concept with the team;
- Researching to enrich game content;
- Designing core mechanics, systems and additional content to communicate the game concept;
- Documenting and keeping the internal wiki up to date with new iterations;
- Programming core mechanics and level design on Game Maker Studio 2;

The game is currently in development.

Developed by: Loud Noises, 2023.
Platform: PC, Linux.
Tech environment: Game Maker Studio 2, Git, Spine, Photoshop.
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